Megan's Story...

I was devastated when I heard what was going on with Christina. I kept thinking to myself, "this does not happen to my family; my friends" I hoped and prayed that something was incorrect in the tests and this was all just a mistake. Unfortunately, it was not, but the Christina that I grew up knowing is still there and is still as loving as ever. I am doing this for Christina because she asked me to share my story.

I am 28 years old and when I was 26, I had a complete hysterectomy. From the time I was 15, I continually had abnormal pap smears. My Dr's always told me that it was okay because there were no real changes that were cause for concern. Okay I said. Then when I was 16, the ovarian cysts started. They became more and more painful every month and it finally got to the point where I had my first surgery done in 1999. There were 14 cysts on one ovary and 12 on the other. Once they were done taking them all out and I was in recovery, I heard the Dr tell my mother that I would probably never be able to have children due to the damage that the continually rupturing cysts had caused to my ovaries. I tried to pretend that I was not listening… I was only 18!! I did not want to hear this.

After three more surgeries, I was successful in having my son Ian. He is a wonderful gift from God and I thank and bless everyday that he is in my life. Six more surgeries and four more failed pregnancies, and another trip to the Dr revealed that this time, the PAP was going to be different. OH BOY!!! It sure was different. There were rapid changing cells in my cervix and my uterus and it all resembled cancer. The BRAC Analysis and the Gardisil was not going to help me.. .my HPV had already spread like wildfire and has damaged all of my reproductive organs. So there I am, 26 and being told that I have no choice. I have to have this all taken out, or just get sicker and not be able to take care of my son. I did what I had to do to get rid of the beast. I thought that it was going to work and I would be fine. I found out October 2008, that the HPV had spread and was now in my intestines. We have caught it early enough this time and hopefully with good treatment and staying on top of it, this will not have a chance to damage me more that it already has.

I am now 28 and live my life to the fullest when I am feeling well enough and when I am not, I think of what I am going to do on the next good day. I love life, my family, my friends and my God and I thank everyone in my life for the support that they have given me through this journey that I have been on. I am also thankful that Christina has given me hope for the future and a positive outlook that I CAN BEAT THIS!!!!



  1. I am now 28 and live my life to the fullest when I am feeling well enough and when I am not, I think of what I am going to do on the next good day.~ THAT is an almost perfect way to live your life, and we each should learn from you. I'm so very glad you have your son.
    :-) ~Mary


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