Gloria's Story Through the Eyes of Larry and Angie

Our family's My Journey with cancer and death began on March 30, where my wife Gloria would go to the doctor that day for what she called a "droop" eyelid. She was afraid she was having min-strokes as she had in the past. When she went to the doctor to have them check out her left eyelid that was drooping, she also discovered Gloria was running a temperature of 104, so she was admitted into the hospital for complete testing. Testing started with CT scans on the brain, MRI,ultrasounds and blood work.--- Larry

As mom and dad waited for the results the emotions were in a whirlwind. Then the day came, APRIL 4TH 2007 her doctor came into our room and said she had bad news.--- Angie

She told us my Gloria had lung cancer Stage 4 and it had metastasised to her brain. I will never forget those words "all you can do is comfort her". Gloria did not accept that as an option and started to seek treatment from MD Anderson but we had no idea the legalities that we had to go thru just to become a patient. ---Larry

While waiting to be accepted into MD Anderson, she became sicker and very weak. The cancer began to take its journey throughout her body. The day she had her first doctor appointment she was hospitalized due to her condition at the time we saw the Lung Specialist. Mom was in and out that evening as they continued to run more tests to confirm what the exact type of cancer was. I remember her being so full of life when she would see Chase and promised that things would be okay. That promise, as I look back was her promise not to suffer and when it was time she would let us know. -- Angie

Gloria was released one week after being admitted with discharge orders to start radiation of the brain and lung. It was those two weeks of radiation that I will never forget. After the first 2 days, she instantly became weak.--- Larry

Mom lost complete appetite and by the end of the first week developed a thrush in her mouth. Then she started to withdraw from us. She would often not respond if we would talk to her, and it started to get to the point where she was unable to even go to the bathroom by herself. Then her hair started to fall out just after 5 days of treatment. As her daughter, this was again another jab at my heart to have to shave my mom's hair. I cried the entire night. On the day of her last treatment of radiation, she collapsed in our kitchen. We called 911 and she was taken to Herman Memorial of Katy on Memorial Day. --- Angie

This would begin the final chapter of her life. An examination of her back show severe radiation burns Mom was getting so sick and Dad knew God would take her soon. She asked to see her grandson and the hospital allowed him to go to into the room even though it was an ICU unit. On the 6th of June the same day she saw her grandson, she was nearing death with all her family and friends at her bedside. We began to say a the Lords Prayer all joining hands with each other, as she slowly passed away. She went home to our Lord peacefully and soundly. She passed away only after 9 weeks of being diagnosed. It all happened so fast we didn't have a lot of time to even understand what was really happening before she was gone. ---Angie

Everyday is a tough challenge for the entire family. I often look at Chase and think "I wish mom would see this" and then realize that she is watching over us. She is truly my son's guardian angel. As for dad, it is very hard for him, they were married for 38 years. A lifelong companion and best friend who lives on thru our Lord. It is still tough for my brother also. He was a mommas boy and I see it in his eyes all the time, the pain we all endure together. -- Angie

Mom was always so full of life and still inspires me even in death. I know she would be proud I have become a non smoker as smoking took her life at 57 years old. As I always say, "CANCER SUCKS" and I wear Pearl in memory of mom... Angie


  1. Thank you Christina for allowing us to share our story.

  2. I am so sorry for you loss. Losing anyone to cancer is very hard. I agree when you say that "cancer sucks" to watch someone who was once so full of life start to fade away before your eyes is hard. I lost my sister to breast cancer in December of 2007 and everyday is a struggle... I pray that you can one day smile again.. remembering the memories that you shared with your mom.. you will get there one day.. it takes time.. I hope too your dad can find peace and comfort knowing that his wife is no longer suffering.. and now is smiling down on him for above..

  3. my mom died of lung cancer too. She finally quit smoking in Nov. 06 and got diagnonsensed in Feb 08. she survived 11 months and they only gave her 6. I am grateful i had some time with her before she died, it gave us a chance to mend broken hearts. i wish you the best of luck, thank you for sharing you very lovely mother with us. cancer does suck, all we can do is be here for each other and empower each other to fight the good fight.

  4. My wife's sponsor died 6 weeks after diagnosis of lung cancer. It had spread everywhere. She died peacefully. I'm really sorry for the loss of Gloria.


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