One Step At A Time...

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  1. I'M HERE!!! Hi sweetie. Delighted you made the move. Now one little thing that will make it easier for us to follow you would be to, add the gadget that says followers to your journal. Then we can keep track when you post and make sure to come visit.

    I know alot for one day already. Your know you have my support and love always. Thank you for making this move and continuing to tell your story. Love you hon! Indy

  2. Ok, duh moment you already have the follow gadget found it added me to's been one of those days (Hugs) indy

  3. Welcome to Blogger. I'm glad that you showed. Now you can share your story with even more people.


  4. so glad you're here. welcome!
    your blog is beautiful!!!
    i, too am a cancer survivor (uterine '07).
    we are warriors, & we go forward with great strength & courage, faith & hope.
    come visit me & click on my followers tag so you can keep up with my posts. :)
    have a great week.

  5. I made it! See I told you we would leave the light on for you. Welcome with open arms. Looking forward to getting to know you. Your an inspiration and will touch the lives of many through your journey in life. Take care and have fun,

  6. Happy, happy. joy, joy!!! So glad Indigo "conned" you into coming along for the blogperience! Love the colors and everything you have done so far, (((((Hugs to You))))) Dannelle

  7. I am so glad that you decided to come here and continue your journey... I look forward to following you...Welcome!!

  8. So happy to see you made the move.. I'm following you :) Yell if I can be of service.

  9. Such a wonder, isn't life?

  10. WELCOME!!! So glad you came over !!

    xoxo rose

  11. Welcome, welcome! I'm so glad you decided to make the move. You will educate and touch so many lives here. Many hugs....

  12. Hi there. I saw Indigo's nice mention of your new blog and thought I'd stop by, pay you a visit and welcome you to the "new" community. Your blog looks terrific and I'll bet it will inspire others.

  13. I'm so glad your here! My mom fought breast cancer twice! You are so brave.

  14. I love your courage. thanks for moving over here. i come via Indigo and am very grateful she introduced you. i have a friend who had breast cancer and is recovery. your stories give me the insight for her experience too. you're in my prayers...karen

  15. welcome to blogville, raven sent me...great job on the blog .

  16. Your blog is amazing. I never ran across it on AOL, but hope to follow it now.


  17. I'm glad you made the move, Christine! Welcome!


  18. What an amazing ,inspring blog ,my thanks to you for going public with this and to Idigo for introducing me to you ,I am following you and will come again Jan xx

  19. hi glad you made the move over, welcome to blogger!!
    take care mrs t xx

  20. Hi Christina. I didn't have the pleasure of meeting you over at AOL but I'm glad I found your link through indigo's blog. I'm glad you decided to make the move to blogger. You have an inspirational message.


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