Living With Hope

I have lived amongst fear and pain. I have dwelt within the boundaries of uncertainty. I have embraced loss and succumb to tears. I am one face among so many with Breast Cancer. I am a Survivor clinging to Hope.

What is Hope you may ask? Hope is greater than fear, Hope is stronger than uncertainty. Hope can overcome pain and loss. Hope turns tears into laughter. Living with Hope stirs the soul and presents all the wonderous possibilities life has to offer and begs us to embrace.

Breast Cancer may be my lot in this life, but it will not be my undoing. This Hope I carry inside is my Legacy. My true fate in this life is to live with hope within faith and on through to strength and courage. To face each new day as a blessing and a new opportunity for healing. Living with Hope brings an understanding of all the souls' deeper possibilities. Hope is the other part of who I am that makes certain there is always a way for each part of me to overcome and feel the true emotion of all that life has to offer.

Yes, fear has at times steadily crept in and tried to steal Hope away from my being. But Hope is inspiring and Hope has a way of shining through even brighter than misery. So I cling to Hope while gaining strength, holding onto faith, and allowing courage to seep in, giving my life hope in life's everyday possibilities.

And this my friends is my one true prayer for each of you in all you do... Live life fully, live life with laughter and Live life with Hope!

Christina Olachia


  1. A wonderful entry about Hope. Thank you for stopping by my journal. Glad you got to visit Gruene. It is a charming place. Wishing you a nice Easter with your family. Paula

  2. Our lives would truly be without merit , without Hope, for the future, our lives, ourselves. Another ispiring post. I'm delighted our paths have crossed. For you my friend I have Hope that your life will indeed flourish with love and peace. (Hugs) From my spirit to yours stay safe and loved this holiday. Indigo

  3. Sometimes "HOPE" is all we have...I cling to it as if it waslife itself! I am a warrior and so are you!!


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