
Today, April 27, 2007, is mine and Johnny's 11th anniversary. It doesn't seem that long ago, yet after the past year and a half it seems much longer. I love my husband more than I could ever begin to express here in words to you. He is not perfect by any means. He has his finer moments and yes, many more of those less-than-finer-moments. But so do I for that matter. Truth be told, he is a good man, a loving and quiet man and a good, no wonderful father. When we said, "I do," way back when, we meant every word of it. We didn't know then just how deeply that would be tested but the sickness and in health part has held up and has never been in question from the moment we heard the words," breast cancer".

Johnny in all his "opps" and blunders, loves me and has stood by my side through it all. I honestly don't know how many men would still find their wives as attractive and desire them as much as Johnny has in spite of my "uniboob," loss of hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes, etc. Just knowing he is coming home to me everyday, strengthens my spirit. We have had our moments when neither one of us has recognized the other in the heat of an argument, but when the smoke clears, we are always standing side by side. Johnny loves me 100% and even when I find myself ready to throttle him, I know deep down that he loves me and that I could not, would not and will not go through this without him!

We don't have any great plans for the weekend, but that is all right by me. Just knowing I am here to celebrate is a gift. I am not up for any grand outing and that is all right by Johnny. We are thinking about grilling steaks and renting a movie. I don't even mind if the kids spend the evening with us, maybe we can toss in a board game as well. I am just happy that we are all here, together and that is reason enough to celebrate. So I just want to say today to the whole world, " I love Johnny." He is rock, my protector and my soul mate. Without him, I am only half of a whole. Thank you for standing beside me, holding my hand and when no one is looking, carrying me the extra mile Johnny. Happy Anniversary!


For my husband, Johnny. Celebrating 11 years together, today!

By: Christina Olachia

We can run away from the past and bury it. We can try to hide from our present and close our eyes to the future. We can avoid our emotions trying to rule us and walk away from everything else life offers us. But we cannot walk away from the true heart of who we are...

There is a much deeper truth that binds us, bonding us together. This truth goes far beyond what we see and feel today. This truth is found in the story of who we are, in the story of who we once were and in the story of who we are becoming. In the writing of our story we can bend with the wind, break a few rules, interact with characters that in turn cross us and still turn over new perspectives that we never saw coming. We can move and continue through each chapter of our lives as if we are not concerned with the turbulence lying ahead of us nor the storms pounding down upon us. We press on with our journey though it does not matter how many upsets or uncertainties this story offers us ... for we know we are safe within our love ... within the hands of our maker and in the arms of one another.

There is a calming peace in knowing that we share this life, this story together, knowing that even when we can't see past today, we have tomorrow. Together we are able to hold on to a deeper understanding, knowing that even if we are only granted but a short while here on this earth together, we still have a lifetime to wrap ourselves around the ones who love us unconditionally. We still have time to embrace one another, to love one another for who we are and what we have become together in spite of our differences.

Do we not know deep within our hearts the truth of where we belong? We are who we are, loved completely, wholly, absolutely just as we are here and now. We are safe in spite of the challenges, or the rejections we have found in this lifetime. We are a part of each other, two halves, one heart. It is in this connection that we are made strong, a family, a tapestry woven together by our Creator. Imperfections seen in our eyes, yet in our creators eyes, in the writing of this story we are perfection. Our lives, the story of us, a crafting not to be undone by the work of our own hands, but to remain strong by guiding hands above us is a a gift not to be second guessed.

We may not understand all this life has brought to us, and while some hearts we may lose and some hearts we may win, in the end it is those hearts that we touch that truly hold meaning in our story. It is in the weaving of our lives, the hopes and dreams, the people we are meant to become, together. Are not our lives forged through the lives and loves we have lost and gained? Do they not all pale in comparison to how we let go of the pain we leave behind as we strive to forgive and rebuild?

It's our love, our desire, our hope, our embrace and the life we hold on to that we ultimately create for ourselves. It's the deeper truth that our hearts hold, the never ending story of us, who we are and who we are becoming that makes us one.


  1. Quote..."We may not understand all this life has brought to us, and while some hearts we may lose and some hearts we may win, in the end it is those hearts that we touch that truly hold meaning in our story."

    Your wonderful tribute and entry touched my heart Christina.  Have a wonderful time with your husband and family on this your 11th Anniversary.  We will celebrate our 40th next year.  I wish you both a long and happy life to celebrate yours too.
    God Bless.

  2. Wishing you and your husband the best, on your 11th Anniversary.  Cherish every minute of it.  Life passes so quickly, and at some point one of you will only have the wonderful memories of this day--but it will still mean so very much to you.  Others don't seem to understand that, until they experience it themselves.  Fill everyday, but especially those SPECIAL days, with much love and shared happiness--enough to last a lifetime!  Hugs to you both!  LaVern

  3. Christina, Happy Anniversary to you and Johnny.  Whatever you do together doesn't matter just being with the love of your life is what matters dear and vice-versa.  Enjoy the moment....Happy 11th.  Arlene (AJ)

  4. What a beautiful tribute to your husband to the both of you!! Love is something that doesn't need the test of sickness and health, nor the test of time. It's something that in that moment defies description but it's always within us. Wishing you love and peace for many more to come!! (Hugs) Your a true inspiration of what love is meant to be. Indigo

  5. What a beautiful tribute to your marriage!!!!

    Hope you two had a wonderful anniversary!!!

    Happy Anniversary...wishing you many more =)



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