Opps, I Did It Again!

OK, I am a klutz just like my dad, bless his heart. I am his daughter, carbon copy and all! If you know my dad then you know exactly where I am coming from. No one can forget the time he dropped pizza on Grandmom's brand new carpet just after he and my Mom started dating. After the whole pizza experience, he ate every meal in the kitchen, lol! Plain and simply put I am a klutz and a seriously major one at that. Always have been. You know the kind of person who walks into a book shelf right in front of her? Well, that's me!

Alright, is the peanut gallery ready? Go ahead, let it out... giggle and ask me. What did I do this time? Ready? Here goes, I broke my rib trying to clean the house. Yep you heard me right. I just had to get the one little dust spot, in the one out of reach corner where no one but I could see it (well, maybe I'm like my mom here). Did I stop to think about the end result? Sure I did... the dust would be gone! I was not just stretching to get the dust, no, I was stretching, leaning and jumping all at the same time.

So instead of getting the nesting dust bunny I hit the landing hard and of course felt that little pocket to my left side pop out and back in. The first thing I did was yell ouch!!!!!!!!!!! Poor Johnny just shook his head, looked at me and uttered something about "Christina, you are always doing something to yourself aren't you?'

Well I went to the doctor today, following IVIG. Good thing too because I was already loopy, so explaining what happened was just plain comical. Doctor: "Um, so how did you hurt yourself again?" Christina: "Well, would you believe I was cleaning the house?" Bottom line I confirmed what I already knew... my rib is cracked. Nothing you can really do for it, but take some pain meds and suffer through it. Well it offers a good laugh anyway especially at a time when all I want to do is cry.

So here I sit, trying to type and hold my side at the same time, looking longfully at my pain meds and the at the clock for my next round. I envision a wooden hammer, a knot on top of my head and cartoons running all around the room by the time this is all said and done! Seriously Friday will be just swell, don't ya think? I'll be stuck with needles, have metal pieces inserted inside my breast and deal with a cracked my rib all while lying on my stomach. By the time I roll off the table I'm gonna feel like I have been slammed with a jack hammer!



  1. slow down girl.. too funny.. I am the same way.. my family is so used to hearing me fall they don't even stop what they're doing anymore... I just get a "are you ok".. LOL.. they say laughter is the best medicine.. my prayers are with you..

  2. LOL..but OUCH! may the moment come to mind while you're in the midst of things friday so you can LAUGH!!! take those cartoons with you too:-)! HUGZ~kbear

  3. You have got to be kidding me. Somebody is going to have to just tie you to a chair...LOL Bless your heart. I'll continue to pray! HUGS

  4. Oh sweetie do I have to wrap you in bubble wrap. I know someone who can make a suit out of it for you. I'm not avoiding you seriously I'm not...

    I'm at a loss for words dear friend. I see you going through so much and anything I say seems so little in light of it. I cry and curse alot anymore. I haven't stopped the prayers on the smoke for you, Joshu or Micah.

    I feel so frusterated some days I can't do a damn thing to help. Idiot that I am, doesn't realize I'm not being a very good friend in the process. Promise...I'll do better by you dear one. We're going to beat this! Love you! Indigo

  5. Sometimes we get snowed under with incidents like this all at once and yet somehow we travel through them eventually to come out the other side with some experience. Mind you....I don't think there is much that will stop you from reaching up into the high corners to eliminate more dust bunnies, or the dreaded beast!
    Go for it Christina...you are a fighter. My prayers and wishes will be with you when you go for your investigations. Praying that you will not be too uncomfortable too.
    God bless
    Jeanie xxxx


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