Here I Go Again...

I won't make this long today. I am short on words this morning, kinda nervous but I wanted to give my love to everyone. I am getting ready to leave for my breast biopsies. I go in around noon so hopefully I will be home by 4 or 5 PM maybe sooner.

My boys are still asleep. No school for them today. They are enjoying the break. Today is the day! Scary, hopeful, nervous, sword drawn... I wish this wasn't happening, but it is. Period. So while Johnny and I head to the hospital, the boys are going to spend some time with family and friends. My mom is going to stay at home with the boys this morning, my dad is at work, Morgen is taking the boys this afternoon and Johnny has taken the day off to be with me.

My parents 40th wedding anniversary party is next weekend. I have been planning this for a while. Family is coming in and so are old friends. I will have news by mid week, but I don't want "cancer" to overshadow their celebration. So this is the deal: If these tests come back negative I will shout it from the roof tops, but if they come back positive, I will wait to post the news until after my parents party.

Two biopsies, one ultrasound guided the other a Stereotactic biopsy. I don't want to do this. I really don't. I can see a light at the end of this tunnel, I just can't seem to get there fast enough. Just know I love each of you. You are my extended family, my lifeline and a great source of hope in my life, in my fight with this beast.

So here we go...



  1. I pray that you get the results that you seek.. I am thinking of you ... stay strong.. you've come along way.. can't let this beast destroy you... my thoughts and more so my prayers are with you and your family...

  2. The loving thoughts of many are with you, Christina. Keep on being brave...


  3. My prayers were with you all day yesterday my dearest friend. I was there with you in spirit. Even now I whisper words pleading for those tests to be negative. Your in my thoughts and heart my strong pink warrior.

    Have the grandest of Valentine's dear one. (Hugs)Indigo

  4. keeping you in my prayers, my dear sister in arms.
    also, when you get a chance, go by my journal & get the award in an entry near the bottom of the pg (a cute blog award)...also check my side bar, there's a pk ribbon support tag there for you.

  5. Back after my break and doing the rounds as usual.I pray your results are good ones.You are such a brave lady and I am sure Mom and dad will have the best party ever and all will be well.Stay positive.Prayers are powerful and mine are for you always.Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  6. I'm thinking and praying for you Christina!!

    Love you,


  7. My prayers are with you. may nothing but the best news be revealed to you. Hugz~kbear


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