What I Have Learned

I have learned that cancer can be cruel, incredibly overwhelming and at times over powering. I have learned through my journey that while there are some days when you are completely inspired to keep up the fight, there are simply those days when you have no fight left in you.

I have learned that there are parts to this journey where you feel absolutely strong, eager not just to face the beast, but to slay the beast! Then there are those days that creep up from behind you, pull your feet out from under you and leave the stench of defeat within close proximity of the beast's lair.

I have learned that your family and friends will pull you back up on your feet again intentionally or not. Those close to you will listen without intruding as they will comfort and encourage you without ever judging your weakness. Still, more importantly they will allow your tears to cleanse your spirit without ever feeling the need to crush it.

What I have learned is that this journey isn't easy nor does it ever really end. The journey of cancer is an ever winding always turning twisting road. There are indeed some days that hold the promise of hope just as there are many weeks that tear that silver lining right out.

What has this journey truly taught me? To love completely, never holding back, to live fully never skipping a new possibility and to laugh never fearing the joy or the pain of what tomorrow may bring!



  1. No tuer words have been spoken....only another cancer patient trully gets what your wrote. Other can learn from what we are going through but never know how deep the emotional part of dealing with cancer truly is.

    Warrior on my Pink Warrior!


  2. Christina, I believe Kim has spoken in a way I can not. Though I know the emotional side of cancer from the stand point of one who has loved someone with cancer, it would not be fair of me to say I know how you feel, for I do not. Yet you, Kim, and others have opened my eyes to thoughts and feelings only you as a sisterhood could. For that I am forever thankful.

  3. Cancer can indeed overwhelm the human spirit from time to time, if we left it, but our will and spirit to recognise it when it tries to take over our mind will always overcome those cruel visits.  Life is too precious and beautiful to waste any more than a moment, when it tries to impart fear into us by invading our thoughts.  When those times arrive it only makes us into people who truly enjoy every moment we have.  It will never depress or control me ever again.  One day at a time is all I ask.  Its all we can rely on anyway as we wake up to each new day.  Cancer stricken or not.  From another breast cancer survivor to you...live in peace and happiness.   Jeanie

  4. Thank you for posting this.  

  5. I couldn't agree with my mom more(Debbie,Sugerb) below...
    Thanks so much for sharing this....
    Big Hugs!

  6. The courage you have shown along with the beauty of your spirit in the end wins the battle with Cancer. Cancer never had a chance up against you. No matter what, your spirit lives on in the hearts of those you have touched. I believe you have inspired and encouraged many dear heart. (Hugs) Indigo


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