Loosing Those We Love

In Memory...

Well, this has been one of those weeks for me. There have been several days that I really just wanted to run away from my own little spot in this world .The only thing stopping me? I had no place to run to.

There are times when life just seems to be crawling on top of you, shoving and pushing you back down under the water. That's about as honest of a picture as I can give you right about now.

Can I say it again? I HATE CANCER! I hate all it does to your body, your life and to those that love you. Cancer reeks of death. It thrives on it. Cancer is a sly little son of a gun creeping up behind you attacking before you even have time to counter attack. Cancer seeks to destroy taking away all it possibly can. Cancer is a parasite moving through your body as if it truly owns you. Cancer is devastating.

I have lived through cancer, fought it, and have forced it to retreat for the time being. Still there are those days, those appointments that grab you up by the seat of your pants throw you up against the wall and leave your body and spirit feeling terribly bruised. I really hate those kinds of days. Then there are also those days that cancer still gets it's claws around your throat trying to strangle all hope right out of you, these are the days that you loose the ones you love to cancer.

This has been my week. I have faced the uncertainty of my remission, to only have more uncertainty thrown at me as once again only to have lost another close to us in 3 months time to this blasted enemy called cancer.

I will miss you my friend as I will keep your memory close to my heart always. Gloria, a fighter till the end, July 13, 1949-June 06, 2007.



  1. May she rest in peace. I will come back later to give more of a comment..right now I can't see the computer screen for the tears. I'm so sorry!

  2. Christina I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend Gloria, you and her family have my deepest sympathy. As my sister Judy walked her journey with cancer she also lost dear friends to cancer along the way. With great determination she did her best to be there for their families all the while knowing it would be our family saying good bye all too soon. My thoughts, I am sure, differ from others, as I see cancer as a form of slow, unrelenting, torture. Though Judy accepted  deaths grasp upon her with such gracefulness, it is I and others in our family who have had a hard time coming to terms with it. Yes, we grieved for her throughout her battle, yet, I still find it so hard to not be able to see her or talk to her. She knows this and has made her presence known to me several times over the past year and three months, the latest being this week. June 6th, would have been her 20th Anniversary with her loving husband, she was, and remains to be, the love of his life, as he continues to wear his wedding band. I HATE CANCER!!!

  3. You and
    gloria's family have my deepest sympathy. I am so sorry, I can only imagine how you are feeling right now, Hugs, Paula

  4. You and me will continue our fight against cancer in your friends honor.....I am sorry for the loss of your dear friend....we WILL kick cancers ass together.



  5. I'm sorry for your loss of a dear friend. I'm sorry for Gloria losing the battle to Cancer. No words can relay my thoughts and prayers on the smoke for you and Gloria's family right now. In honor of all those who Cancer has claimed, we must stay aware and continue to fight for a cure. Wishing you love and peace in this time of mourning. (Hugs) Indigo

  6. I'm so sorry you lost your friend Christina.  Sending cyber hugs to you.

  7. Christina I have been thinking of you often, you have touched my life in so many ways. Thank you for coming into my life and allowing me to be a part of yours.

  8. I am so sorry for your loss Christina...
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers


  9. I am working my way through my alerts a I have been away on holiday and also had a friend staying with me from Australia sine I returned. You have been in my thoughts and night time prayers Christina all the time. I am sorry to hear about Gloria your dear friend.   May she now rest in peace.  I too have had friends who have died from cancer and as Kim says...."Lets Kiss its Ass into touch!" It musn't lower our moral...ever!  God Bless you and your family.   Jeanie


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