Life Lesson #477 ~ Real Strength


I’m not a giant among men or women. I’m simple to be honest. I prefer books over people. I love to cook, but I’m not a chef.  I love taking photographs, but I’ll never be a photographer. I’m a happy person. But I know sadness. She comes to call every now and again. And if you asked me to pick up a 100-pound sack, I’d give it my best shot. But the truth is I’d fail. Miserably.  

Through the years, though, I’ve learned something about being strong. It’s full of shortcomings. Real personal strength comes from somewhere other than the physical world. We find it on a spiritual plain. No one leaves this world without enduring pain or disappointment. We all experience weakness. But encountering sickness, let-downs or defeat isn’t failure. Quite the opposite actually. Strength doesn’t come from winning; it comes from learning to fail gracefully.   

See, when we truly find strength she comes from a deeper place, flowing through us, pouring out of us seamlessly. Strength is a quiet creature. She doesn't walk around with a tattoo or a scar protruding from her soul. She isn’t flamboyant. She doesn’t brag or boast. She doesn’t need you to know she’s strong. Strength is resilient and brave. She has grit but she’s humble. True strength is a gentle and kind soul. Always willing to learn and usually the first to say she’s sorry. She’s never forceful. She’s steadfast and daring but never arrogant. Most of all, strength is modest. She doesn’t have to flex her muscles or tell you she’s strong. She doesn’t need approval. Her standing speaks for itself. 

The reality is bona fide strength is forged by fire, not undone by it.  Hammered out of sorrow, yes, and difficulty, but never dissolved by the sting of suffering. Those moments don’t define us. They do, however, shape and refine who we really are. Strength doesn’t come to us by inflicting pain or creating it.  We’re not tough simply because we want to be or say we are. Difficult, maybe, but never mighty. There’s nothing forced or counterfeit about real strength. Nothing! But then again to be strong requires humility and that’s a tough one for a lot of folks. 

At the end of the day, I know my truth. I’m not indestructible, I’m durable. I’m not always clever or skilled but I’m capable. I’m flawed but I’m sound. No, I’m not completely resistant to pain, but I’m receptive to growth. There’s no big fiery blaze glowing inside but my spark is alive and well. I have courage and compassion. I know love and acceptance. I am forgiven, not resentful. I’m not always strong, I'm sturdy. 

In the end my story won’t be some great saga filled with drama or impossible cliffhangers. There’s no great escape or theatrical death scene coming. I won’t write a best seller or win a Nobel Peace prize. However, when the pages of my life close they will be filled with strength and beauty, love and joy, struggle and perseverance. My final chapters will not be written by someone’s hand. They will be written by me. And when the time comes and my creator calls, not before, I will exit gracefully, going peacefully, with a full heart, a well lived life behind me, my ancestors beside me and a tangible strength inside me. 

~Merida Grace


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