Life Lesson #212 ~ Fearless Dreamers

“Her soul dwelled in the wild parts of her heart vibrating to the music it found there.” ~ Atticus

As a little girl I spent hours playing by myself. If you needed me all you had to do was poke your head out the backdoor or holler out the front. I was off on an adventure in our backyard or down the street. Be it up in a tree, on a bike or down a slide I was out, romping around on a quest somewhere. Checking in a little later you’d find me under a canopy made from a freshly cleaned sheet I'd turn into a tent by late afternoon. I was usually hiding out from pirates or storm troopers. Better yet if you just waited you’d find my five year old self dancing in a pink tutu with a lopsided tiara, pigtails almost fallen out and long striped socks on my feet belting out an off key song. This was my routine most nights right before dinner anyway. And between you and me, I had an old used up Tickle deodorant bottle in my hands serving as a microphone as I stood in the middle of my previously neatly made bed. Yes it was repurposed and reimagined into a stage. I was exhausted by the end of the day usually. I mean who wouldn’t be after a day like mine, right? I’m not exaggerating when I tell you I have always been a wild child, with a free spirit and relentless imagination. I’m weird, offbeat, different and charismatic. I’ve always been a bit rebellious I suppose, but in a curious kind of way really. I’m unconventional that’s for sure. No one who really knows me would ever begin to describe this girl as ordinary or orthodox. And I don’t think that’s always a positive either. I’m certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, that’s for sure. And while I’m definitely quirky and peculiar, I can often be quite puzzling if not low-key, private and to myself. What I can tell you about myself is this: I’ve never failed to have the courage to live life the way I’ve seen fit. My mama would tell you she’s never had a dull moment in my company. And I would tell you because of her, I’ve lived fearlessly. I can’t imagine growing up any differently than I have. I was enabled in a good way, encouraged to dream. I guess you could say I’ve spent my life unafraid of being my own weird self. And if you asked my mama today to describe her only daughter she’d choose a quote by Nicole Lyons. ”She’s an old soul with young eyes, a vintage heart, and a beautiful mind.”

Today my life hasn’t changed much. I’m still a free-spirit chasing adventures. I’m still singing, just not with an empty Tickle bottle or off key any longer. I still hang out in the backyard contemplating climbing a tree every once and a while. And while I no longer build tents, I’m always on the lookout for an escaped pirate or storm trooper. I may not fit into my tutu at this point in my life, but a womens kilt will do just fine when it comes to dancing a jig or two in a pair of ghillies. I’m usually surrounded by more than a few messy notebooks filled with scribbles. And while my tiara has long since retired, my messy red hair hasn’t. Hell or high water, I’m still and always will be a fearless dreamer. Yes, I stand out. I’m different, rather idealistic at times, impulsive and headstrong too. I’m a nerd and bookworm. I can make my hubby’s head bounce like a ping pong ball once comic books enter the conversation. I’m totally unashamed of my Star Wars wedding band and yes I know I have a slight, if not problematic enthusiasm for all things Disney. But like Ariel, from Disney’s Little Mermaid I have to ask, "What makes someone special?” And quoting her I quite agree with my favorite redheaded mermaid, “I suppose it all depends. It’s what’s unique in each of us.” The sad reality is we live in a world filled with folks working very hard at pretending to be someone they’re not. Ariel was the complete opposite of this don’t you think? And honestly there’s really so much we can learn from this Little Mermaid if we but dare.

Disney’s Little Mermaid came out in 1989. I was just 16 years old. I was drawn to Ariel. She was obviously a redhead, a bit rebellious, but only because she was just so curious. She’s definitely headstrong, different from her other sisters and completely a free spirit. I guess given the year I’d had in 1989 I really felt a connection to Ariel’s character and her fearless spirit. She was drawn to adventure and a world well out of reach of her own. I understood this very well. During my 16th year I was overcome by illness. In fact I spent most of my summer in the hospital, sick and at one point I came as near to death as one can without dying. In many ways that year I felt shut in, my imagination tied up, adventures put on hiatus and free spirit filed away with a hold. I felt lost and adrift. I longed to be out exploring again and yet there I was stuck in a bed, painfully yearning for the world just outside my window. And you were wondering where I was going with this whole Little Mermaid thing right? Well now you know. Honestly there are so many life lessons found within The Little Mermaid if you pay attention. Take a number...any number really. This film teaches us a great deal about everything from focusing on the important things in life like family, love and happiness, to having the courage to follow your own dreams even if it means rebelling a little. I love if you look between the lines you’ll see the unconditional love King Triton has for Ariel too. He knows, as Sebastian explains to him early on, “Children have got to be free to lead their own lives.” And still he wants to protect her from the human world. This is where yet another little gem I really love about this film emerges from just beneath the surface. Once Ariel strikes out on her own we learn a valuable lesson we're not expecting...we still need to be gentle and kind with our parents in the process. Another lesson found within this 83 minute film is about facing our fears as well as listening and following our hearts? Or how about learning not everything has always got to be planned out? Maybe sometimes we simply need to wing it?  There's just so much here. Even the villains have something to teach us, Come on now, Ursula is right. ‘Life is full of choices, innit?” But the truth is losing your voice should never be one of them. And again, Ursula speaks more truth, “A woman doesn’t know how powerful her voice is until it has been silenced.” This truly is my message here today in Life Lesson #212 ~ Fearless Dreamers...Never and I mean never allow anyone to take your voice from you for any reason. See, like many of us, Ariel took her voice for granted giving it up for a temporary solution. And by doing so she made a rather big, if not awkward a certainly tangled and muddy mess of things, didn’t she? So yes, at this point I really do have to agree with Sebastian, "The human world it’s a mess.” There’s no sugar coating it. The grass or seaweed in Ariel’s case “is always greener in somebody else’s lake.” But not always better. Now are you starting to understand my love for Disney films? I mean come on, Sebastian is full of all kinds of little tidbits of wisdom here, isn't he? He's a walking book of life lessons!

So getting back on point the reality is in this world if you’re a dreamer life can be pretty complicated honestly. To paraphrase Ray Goforth, “There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference. Those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.” The truth is through the years I’ve been shrugged off, dismissed and tossed aside by those who can’t and don't want to understand me. Has it always been easy to just accept the rejection? No, not in the least. Sometimes it’s been downright awful and a real struggle, that’s for sure. But like Ariel, I’ve never given up. Personally I’ve found I can be fearlessly myself and still afraid at the same time. I know I’m not just meant to live and die but to dream and live fearlessly. They say there’s two types of beauty. "One that pretty much smacks you across the face and can be found on any magazine cover really. Then there’s the kind that grows on you. The one you don’t expect. The one that poets and authors write about, the eternal kind.” (Unknown) Now I don’t know about you but that’s the box I want checked off when my name crosses someone’s mind. See, I hold His grace within me. It’s His light that shines through, not my own. I can swim to the surface and collect all the gadgets and gizmos I want; but without the  unique voice God gave me bubbling up from inside, how will anyone ever know who I am? If not for the light of God’s grace guiding me how will I ever find my way? To be empowered is to be oneself and like Ariel, we all have a calling, a purpose, a bright light within us and a gift we’re born to share with the world. Matthew 5:14-16 speaks to us like this. “  You are the world’s light—a city on a hill, glowing in the night for all to see.  Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father.” But again as with Ariel some would rather see us come undone, our lights fade. These folks for whatever reason truly want nothing more than to see us fail, never finding our place in the world. And if they can do so, succeeding and stripping our voice, Satan grabs hold quickly. In the end and by our own hands we've given the enemy the keys to the front door. But this is not where the story ends, now does it? Satan, like Ursula, can’t overthrow God from His throne. This is where our hope really lies for those of us who are dreamers anyway... awkward, offbeat with messy hearts, wild imaginations and free spirits. The realty for us today in the real world is pretty much exactly as it was for Ariel when it came to Ursula in the movie. “Sometimes people only try to extinguish your fire because they can’t light their own.” Just remember you are unique, set apart, created to shine and roam free. As I had to learn, free your voice and never stop singing, writing or living an inspired life. God has made you in His image. You have been given unique gifts, individually yours and yours alone. Embrace them and speak your truth freely. Remember even in the midst of chaos dreams can still come true. God loves us unconditionally. We know this, even is we’re in the middle of rebelling against it. I know from experience no matter the storm blowing up all around us, Jesus Christ is still and will always be the King of Kings. He is the One who has given me wings just in the same way King Triton finally gave Ariel her legs. Romans 12:6-8  tell us this, “God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well.” And so as Christians we should not be afraid of our talents or jealous of anyone else’s. Each talent and gift is given by our Father and the grace of His Son.

So today I say be audacious and reject the world’s influence. Don’t hand over your voice for a new pair of legs. Certainly temptation may knock at the door, but does it mean you have to answer? The truth is my story hasn’t been easy, ever. The road has been full of chaotic bumps and detours more times than I can count. Life has rarely gone as planned but you know what? After all those maddening, difficult and yes uneasy steps I’ve taken along the way I finally understand today they’re exactly how God created the most fascinating depths of my story. I promise you, it won’t be easy but it will be worth the journey, with or without whozits and whatzits galore. Just never stop dreaming. Like Sebastian says, “You can get it if you really want, but you must try, try, and try. You’ll succeed at last.” And you will too if you stay a fearless dreamer my friend.

“Brave girl, promise me, you will not shrink yourself in order to make others feel comfortable. “ ~ Sarah Claire

~ Merida Grace


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