Life Lesson # 469 ~ I Will Remain


I am a strong woman. A mother, daughter, sister and a wife. And I’m not alone. I’m surrounded by equally indestructible women. Like them, I’ve felt the sting of the blade and survived. I’ve fallen to my knees, but I’ve always gotten up. Like an old oak tree with deep roots I do not break, I bend. Leaves may fall from my limbs but come spring my branches are full again.


So, if you thought, you’d broken me. Think again. You’re mistaken.


Look around. I’m not shattered. There aren’t tiny broken pieces of my life scattered on the ground. You may have shaken my trunk. Surprised and shocked me like a cold winter ice storm, but you didn’t destroy me. You simply fortified my resolve to live and thrive. See, you’ve underestimated me. My roots are too powerful and far too reaching for that. You simply woke me from a long, deep sleep. Instead of uprooting my life, you rekindled the full power of my strength. 

I know who I am. I am kind and giving. Not weak. This is where you’ve mistaken my sensitivity for frailty. Seeing my kindness as defenseless. But I have walked through fire, been pierced by hatred, and discounted more times than I can count. And each time I have risen proving my antagonists wrong. So, understand this.  I may be scarred but I am resilient.  

So, if you thought, I’d render a reaction. Be assured, I'll never offer one.  Instead, let me provide you this calm, but definitive response. I've stood aside long enough, been mindful, considerate, kind and yes, patient. But from now on you will only see my strength. And from this day forward I will step around each and every eggshell in my way. I have no desire to engage in needless spectacles or play a part in someone else’s deceptions and drama.  

My story is not yours to tell. And it’s definitely not yours to edit or rewrite as you see fit. You have no power here. I will not pivot any longer.  You have taken nothing from me that was mine to keep. I am still the same mother, daughter, sister and wife I’ve always been.  I will remain strong. And kind. I don't need to argue. I do not seek to cause harm. Nor do I need to retaliate. The thing about a truly strong woman is she can, but NEVER has the need or desire to be a bully. So yes, you can swing all you want, but I will not run. 


What you've failed to recognize so far is this simple truth. I'll continue to keep calm and carry on. But if you really still feel the need, you’re certainly welcome to keep trying to reek chaos and confusion around my life. None of it will dismantle me. My grace and dignity will remain the same. Steady. Secure. Intact. Inside is a fire bigger than any smear or slight you can muster. And yes, that fire can be calm but let me remind you it can also rage. As of today, I’m putting to rest any ideas that it’s been extinguished.   

Yes, I’m strong. Never doubt that or take it for granted.  I’m surrounded by women who haven’t needed to rebuild me but instead have reinforced the strength within me. And today, I stand tall like the Mighty Oak and the Great Ash tree. I am not alone. I’ve never been alone. I’m part of something bigger than you or me. My roots are connected to other larger, taller, stronger trees. I am but one of generations of women who have come before me. What tomorrow brings I do not know. But I do know this. Long after the forest around you has burned to ashes…I will remain.

~Merida Grace 


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