Life Lesson #243~ Rattle the Stars

“Do you have the courage to bring forth this work? The treasures that are hidden inside you are hoping you will say YES.” ~Elizabeth Gilbert

Did you daydream as a child? Of course, you did. We all do. Do you remember what they were? Or how they made you feel? As children we think we’re invincible really. I know I did when I was a little girl. When we’re kids, we can scale mountains with one leap or take to the skies in a single bound. And when you’re little the doors between daydreams and reality aren’t always as well defined as they become when we’re adults. Either door we chose, as children or adults, whatever dreams we follow or chase, eventually build our character and form our caliber. Dreams are funny this way, aren’t they? They can make us feel ten feet tall or smaller than a flea, in a circus and maybe just as useless too. Our dreams have the ability to shape or shatter us. Dreams can be misleading too but the truth is without them hope dies.
The reality is dreams are tricky little buggers. Each one is different. Sometimes they connect one to another or completely reroute our paths altogether. Some dreams lead us down dark, damp, terrifying alleyways while others steer us into brighter, greener, happy pastures. Some teach us how to fly and others insist we keep our feet planted firmly on the ground. Dreams inspire us, fuel our aspirations and even guard our imaginations from would be looters and thieves. Dreams live, breathe and die, much like we do I suppose. The truth is our dreams scare us just as much as living does too. And they should. I’ve found in every one of my 45 years dreams and growth go hand in hand. In order to find our way and navigate the universe or rattle the stars we have be tenacious even in the face of fear. Mandy Hale said once, “Growth is painful, Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.” And dreams help us do this.  
I can’t lie. Growing up an only child, my life was filled with lots of love and attention. I was encouraged to read, use my imagination and dream big. I spent hours dreaming of riding on the back of a dragon, wielding a fiery sword and casting spells with my very own wand made of twigs. I wanted to fly and jump off cliffs landing on my feet of course. You’ve read my stories. Is there any doubt as a little girl I had big dreams? With locks of untamed red hair in my eye, freckles spread out across my face and an imaginary pet wolf named Harry, I was a dreamer. My imagination had me constantly moving in and out of opening and closing doors between worlds I imagined.  
My mama will tell y'all I had more than enough imagination and dreams to fill the Grand Canyon as a little girl. And I held on to as many of them as I could, for as long as I could before I was faced with the reality of becoming an adult. We all have to grow up, right? There's really not a choice in the matter. Becoming an adult is a rite of passage. It's inescapable honestly.  Regrettably we tend to leave our child-like hearts behind as well. The saddest part of growing up is many tend to forget the world of magic, imagination and daydreams. All these things once fueled our hopes and aspirations. And because of, this too many lose sight of joy as well. .
Honestly, growing up is downright difficult. Finding out who you are, where you belong and what makes you tick can be a very bumpy road. Let’s face it, we live in a world fueled by opinions and judgments and if we happen to fall on the wrong side of either, life can get pretty complicated if not problematic. Having the courage to be yourself, in spite of the world’s expectations isn’t effortless or straightforward. No, it’s far from trouble-free. In fact, the road to self-acceptance is actually quite back -breaking...but it can be done, we only have to believe.
Personally, I grew up believing in magic. It was all around me; and because it was, my dreams never felt unattainable, even if they seemed impossible. As a little girl magic wasn’t some far off concept from a far-off place or something only found in fairy tales or fantasy books. I possessed a different kind of magic. We all do really. It's the kind that believes a man can go to the moon and explore the bottom of the ocean or write a book because he has a dream. Magic lived inside me; it was part of me. I’ve always known an enchanted life isn’t based on a spell or an incantation. The magic I’ve known is rooted deep inside my heart, built on my imagination. When life went sideways, I could simply open a book or push open a door inside my mind and a new path or dream would appear. If my world was too topsy-turvy and I needed a quiet place to rest I’d imagine myself sitting beneath a towering tree, nestled beside a stream. All I had to do was imagine, dream and believe. After all, if you don’t believe in your own dreams, who will?  
After I grew up, married the love of my life and became a mother I tried hard to ensure my own children knew the same kind of magic my parents instilled in me. I wanted both my boys to imagine, explore and go on adventures. I read to them.,told them both stories, dressed up in costumes and played for hours with my children. And we had some pretty grand adventures too. We’d spend hours flying on the backs of dragons or fighting off villains, Orcs and monsters. We’d go treasure hunting, build forts and castles of course, and explore outer space together. We certainly lived for our escapades, that’s for sure. But the truth is while our life together has been rather adventurous, it hasn’t always been easy!
The thing about growing up, gaining responsibilities and chasing our dreams all at the same time is we can often feel invisible. Even kinda like our own families don’t truly see us for who we really are. Many of us spend years hiding, building walls around our hearts, and digging trenches. And what do we fill them with? Emotions we can’t control mostly. I know, it's happened to me time and time again, unfair things happen and no matter how hard we pray, life turns us upside down.
So, where’s my Disney twist coming from this time? Don’t worry, I promise you I’ve got it covered. Have you heard of Jim Hawkins and Treasure Planet? You’re right, it’s a play on Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic Treasure Island. This particular film, though, struck a chord with my oldest child when it was first released. Right from the opening scene this film wrapped itself around him and never let go. He was all of 6 years old in 2002 when the film hit the big screen. And the song, I’m Still Here, sung by the Goo Goo Dolls filled his heart. I’m telling y’all I can still sing all the words by heart. As for the repeat button on the CD player? Well let’s just say it was tuckered out by the time we finally traded in our vehicle a few years later. I understand now more than ever why these particular lyrics some 17 years later have stuck with him. “And I, wanna tell you who I am. Can you help me be a man? They can't break me as long as I know who I am.” This song resonated inside him at a tender age as it does today.
But why Jim Hawkins? Why Treasure Planet? First of all, he’s a little rebellious, sometimes a bit reckless, definitely sensitive and very forgiving. Oh, and let’s not forget he’s a solar surfer too. I know, cool right? Jim’s not big on rules, chores or being judged either. Most of all Jim longs to make something out of himself. Jim like J, my son just wants to feel alive and seen for who he is, not who the world wants him to be. The Goo Goo Dolls lyrics tell the whole story in one stanza really. “They can't tell me who to be cuz I'm not what they see. Yeah, the world is still sleeping while I keep on dreaming, for me and their words are just whispers and lies that I'll never believe.”
J in many ways is a lot like me. He’s sensitive, with an imagination that doesn’t quit and many times he’s simply misunderstood. See some of us are born knowing we’re different. We don’t see the world as others do. The magic inside us, can seem foreign and out of touch with the reality most know. Our ideas are simply outside the box. We see the outer rim of life and to be honest, it scares most folks. Different always does though. For those of us who are divergent, feeling out of place in a world not meant for us is the norm. And for whatever the reason we tend to go through life unseen and many times unheard. This is the thing though, it’s OK to live and breathe outside the box. It’s your box after all. How do I know? It’s simple, I’ve done so every day of my life, for almost 46 years. And guess what? I’m still here! J is still here, and you are too.  
The reality of life is this. It takes courage to be yourself. Self-acceptance requires bravery too. Knowing who you are is the greatest accomplishment any of us can achieve. Jim figured this out with a bit of help from Long John Silver. Let’s see, what was it Long John said? Oh yes, “Now you listen to me. You got the makings of greatness in you, but you gotta take the helm and chart your own course. Stick to it, no matter what the squalls! And when the time comes, you’ll get the chance to really test the cut of your sails and show what you’re made of!  And... well, I hope I’m there, catching some of the light coming off you that day.” Let me tell y’all, like Captain Silver, when it come to my children and the light within them both, I surely hope I’m there too.
The Word of God, in John 1:5, it says, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” This is our reality and our truth, is it not? Our light shines eliminating the darkness surrounding us. So, what if you’re different? Be yourself! Let the magic inside you out. Paint, write a book, let the world hear your voice and simply shine. This is what Life Lesson #243~ Rattle the Stars is all about. You gotta dream big. If you’re going to rattle the stars you have to let the magic inside, you out. Magic after, all is believing you can make anything happen. Robert Moss had it spot on when he said, “To find magic around you, you must carry magic inside you. "So, what do you say? Come on shine, radiate, glow even and be the honest-to-goodness authentic version of yourself you were born to be. Open your heart and walk confidently. After all, your dreams were given to you for a reason. Stop letting fear keep you hiding in the shadows. You’ve built a solar surfer all of your own, right? Now get out there and ride it! And walk freely in the grace of the One who created you to be YOU!   
“Always keep that little place inside of you, alive. ~Unknown
~Merida Grace


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