Life Lesson #217 ~ Everything Changes

“Don’t change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love you.”

It’s hard for me to believe both my boys have grown into men. Wasn’t it just yesterday Johnny and I were bringing them home from the hospital with their tiny feet and little fingers? Oh how I’d love to count them all in a row. It feels like I blinked and suddenly they weren’t babies anymore but full grown men towering over me. I wouldn't dare try counting their fingers and toes now! I look at our youngest today at 6’3 and I’m blown away. He was just my little love bug, crawling up into my lap, hands on my face telling me he loved me. Now he’s 19 and moving out into the world on his own. I won’t lie, I miss those days gone by. I’ve always said we’ve been exceptionally blessed by our boys. The joy God’s given us in them has been an  incredible gift. Still I miss the days of tucking them into bed, reading Winnie the Pooh and pushing them around in a buggy. The days of first steps, first hair cuts, the first days of school and first roller coaster rides are behind us. And while the truth is these memories of mine won’t ever fade, those days are long gone. Time flies, doesn't it? Reminiscing I realize C.S.  Lewis had it right. "Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different?"

When Micah was just 3 years old in June of 2002, Experiment 626 made his first debut in our lives. Both boys formed an attachment to this little guy. To say Lilo and Stitch played continuously on a loop is an understatement. Micah, however, took it to a whole ‘nother level. I guess you could say Stitch was a lot like our little Micah in the fact they were both incredibly curious, neither had a filter and Elvis was King as far they were concerned. Now you have to understand how incredibly smart and inquisitive Micah has always been. And as a child he was constantly inquiring and asking questions. He picked up on everything and I mean everything. I can remember scratching my head in disbelief at his vocabulary. At 10 months he was talking in full sentences. At three he had taken to the word abomination like a fish to water. It was his new favorite thing to say. He knew exactly how to use it too. And where did he pick this big word up from with such perfect emphasis, tone, intonation and inflection? You guessed it...Lilo and Stitch. He’s always been a ‘no guts, no glory, no legend, no story’ kind of kiddo...much like our lovable, fun--loving an brave little Stitch. As such certainly Micah had an imagination to rival my own at that age. And being curious without any fear you can imagine many times the story started somewhere along the lines of…”In my defense mom, I was left unsupervised.”

The reality is there can and will never be another Micah. He’s a one of a kind. He has his moments like we all do. He can tuck himself away up in his room, away from the noise of the outside world. It’s not unusual to hear him quote Lilo ”I need alone time with my music.” Especially when he wants to be alone. He can be lazy at times; sure, but he’s a deep, vast and creative soul. He’s always had a bit of a crazy if not silly streak. He’s an old soul with a happy personality. He has a beautiful light spirit and a heavy heart. He’ll tell you himself things can get weird sometimes because of it. But weird around here has never been a bad thing. I’m a different one, that’s for sure. I mean look at it this way. “Having a weird mom builds character.” I know my level of weirdness is not exactly average, but who cares? I’m comfortable with it. And I’d say, without a second thought, Micah is completely comfortable with who he is too. When folks meet Micah, they're drawn to him. He’s one of those souls you remember because you don’t see one like his often enough. I love this about him. And personally I love folks who embrace the idea of being different and insanely interesting rather than cautiously boring. One of my favorite quotes comes from Sam Rhiley. “Never apologize for being flawlessly weird, and dear God stay that way. We already have too many stiff necks and starched collars pretending they have meaning and walking around above it all. That you, darling, are a breath of fresh air in a world that needs a little more oxygen from your forest of oddities.” And in a world filled with copies and forgeries I’m grateful for my own precious Stitch...he’s  always been the one who pulls us all together.

Looking back now I know exactly how Stitch found a place in our home so quickly. If Lilo and Stitch taught us anything, it’s this. It’s OK to be different. I was given space to think, create, imagine and to be completely myself. I’m thankful everyday my parents gave me the freedom to explore. I wanted my own children to have the same ability I did to be successful, following their own passions and as Johnny Depp says, “Crazy enough to know you can do anything in life.” The truth is I was raised the same way we brought up our boys…”to like weird people...the black sheep, the odd ducks, the rejects, the eccentrics, the loners, the lost and the forgotten.” The truth is our little band of adventurers are a bit odd and offbeat. Call us limited editions if you like. I won't deny I’ve raised two very peculiar and amazing boys. I'm proud of them and who they have become. The truth is...“For this child I prayed.” (Samuel 1:27) I guess I have no fear when it comes to where my boys are headed because I know Who has the wheel. Now that doesn’t mean I’m always ready to open my eyes and watch them take that leap of faith out an open door of a speeding airplane. But you know what? I do know Who goes before me. I know Who stays behind. God tells us His Word does not come back empty. Proverbs 22:6 also promises us this. “Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their lives.” Change is inevitable. I may not like it but refinement is part of growing up. And growing up is exactly what my little man has done. He’s become a man. The reality is while I may not always agree with Micah or even get along, I’ll always love him. Nani, Lilo’s big sister knew this about change. “Sometimes things have to change, and maybe sometimes they’re for the better.” This is really the essence of Life Lesson #217~ Everything Changes. Change is just part of being a parent. We can take the bull by the horns all we want but sometimes we simply have to let go and let God.  If we’ll keep the faith, Jesus Christ will finish the good work He’s already started. You see as William Martin says, “You do not have to make your children into wonderful people. You just have to remind them they are wonderful people.”

I don’t know where Micah’s path will ultimately lead him. I can’t tell you everything will always turn out the way he plans. What I do know however is this. ‘Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.” Micah, my little love bug... while you will always be my baby, the truth is you’re now a man. I’m proud of you. And I know you have the courage to face whatever lies ahead. You need never change who you are. After all, ‘The greatest act of courage is to be and own all that you are. Without apology. Without excuses and without any masks to cover the truth of who you truly are.” (Unknown) You’re my 'Ohana Micah. I’ll always love you. As you venture out into the great big world in front of you  remember your mama is praying for and believing in you. This is your family, “we may be small and broken but still good.” Never forget that. And when you call one day to tell me your manager’s a vampire and he wants you to join his legion of the undead. I won’t blink an eye. I promise. I’ll simply answer. ”I knew it.”

Happy Birthday Micah.

“Let go of who you think you need to be and just be who you actually are. ”Unknown

~Mom, AKA
Merida Grace



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