Voyage To Aslan's Country

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to walk through a wardrobe and come out into a snow filled world? Or have a painting pull you into an ocean on the other side of the frame? What if we could transform from the ordinary to the extraordinary? The words of the new Carrie Underwood song from The Narnia Movie, Voyage of the Dawn Treader, begin with these words: “There is a place out there for us, where your heart is free and hope comes back to life”.

As a little girl my mother read the entire Narnia series to me. I loved every minute of these powerful, books, and the storytelling of C.S. Lewis. I was captivated, and I imagined myself on many adventures in this strange, yet very fascinating world.So last weekend after seeing, Voyage of the Dawn Treader, a very moving, emotional and adventure filled movie I did what I never do in public: I broke down in tears for my whole family to witness. I could not even talk for a while. I honestly could not help myself. As I struggled to explain myself Johnny sat there holding my hand, not rushing me, but sitting beside me, strong and loving with real understanding in his eyes. My sons, Joshua and Micah, did not get up to leave, instead they sat there pulling me in to their circle of love and support. I was a child again reading, listening to my mother’s voice, following along, without the knowledge that cancer would one day come to claim her stake in my life.

Life is in many ways is like stepping into Narnia either through the wardrobe or swimming up to the surface. Think about the struggles, the fight to overcome our past, to reach for the future while preserving our present… all contribute to who we are and who we eventually become through each and every experience life brings our way.

In order to grow, spiritually and emotionally, to become the men and women we are destined to be, we must partake in the struggles and the battles life brings our ways. If we do not answer the call, step through the wardrobe or swim up to the surface then we can not experience the beauty of Aslan’s Land. If we never ventured to the shores of the unknown we would never know our true destiny. How would we see the unseen if not for courage? I was gripped by the line I saw drawn, the parallel to life’s real adventures and the one before me on the screen last weekend. I watched as none were exempted from the evil trying to consume them. Both of the Pevensie children as well as prince Caspian and the whole crew were told they were all about to be tested. These voyagers were tried time and time again, and yes they did give into temptation, and yet even after doing so they each found forgiveness, comfort and healing in their journey toward Alsan’s country.

Living with and through cancer has taught me many things: little did I realize how much I learned from these childhood books until I found myself gripped by the events pouring out on the screen before me. As Lucy and Edward are brought aboard the Dawn Treader, so is their cousin Eustace. Believe me when I say Eustace did not come along willingly! He appeared to most on board as useless and unable to take care of himself or overcome any of the obstacle before him. But the truth is all he needed was a real bit of struggle and some encouragement. Poor kid, even though Eustace is an unwilling member of this voyage he is drug along on each and every adventure. He struggles with finding his place, trying to escape and fighting his way through the evil coming toward each and every one of them until he gives into his own temptation.

Eustace is unable to escape his destiny once he has given into the beast within himself. Yet Reeepicheep finds love in his heart, compassion, offering his friendship and faith in Eustace despite the dragon he has become. As Eustace faces his worst fears he is both encouraged and challenged by his new friend telling him”Extraordinary things happen to extraordinary people”. (Joshua later told me as we left the theater he thought of me when he heard this part of the movie.) As this film comes to a close Eustace becomes a great hero. He faces his fears, and actually is the one to save the Voyage from being consumed by the evil tearing at each of them. Yes he is wounded in battle, and he struggles with all his might to heal himself, but he is unable no matter how hard he tries. Aslan waits for him to reach out for help, knowing it must be Eustace's choice to ask for help. When Eustace finally reaches out and accepts Aslan’s healing powers he is set free and is able to fulfill his destiny.

The evil before them was indeed all consuming, the island they were sailing for was determined to take them down below to the depths of their fears and destroy each one on board the Dawn Treader. One of the best lines in the movie explains this evil is the “source of our troubles, it seeks to corrupt all goodness, to steal the light from this world”. Cancer is in many ways like this evil, coming to put claim on our lives. Stealing our hope and faith, trying to consume us, and take us for her own just as the White Witch tries to claim Edward as her own. But just as Reepicheep says to Eustace, “Now is the time to be strong” I say to you, be strong in your hope and in your faith my friends!

We may be battle worn, tired and scared, we may be weak but think of Prince Caspian as he tells his crew just as they are nearing the home of this evil before them, “Now is the time to be strong, never give in” I say the same to you my friends. Be true to the hope inside you. Hold tight to the faith you have been given. Life’s struggles are many and they can appear as a consuming fire, a force stronger than yourself, but we do have the victory if you only believe!

After the battle is over, as this struggles comes to an end our brave voyagers set sail in a small vessel to a sacred place. Here they will stand before the entry to Aslan’s county. Reepicheep explains in one of my favorite lines of the film, “We have nothing if not for belief!” when Lucy asks him if he believes there is really such a place. Once upon the shores they stand facing a new gateway, a wall of water, with their destinies waiting just beyond. Yes this is a new beginning of a new adventure for each of them if they will accept Aslan’s plan for their lives. Reepicheep lays down his sword, the first to say goodbye to the struggles of Narnia and accepts passage into the land of his Lord. Next Prince Caspian takes courage in knowing his place is there in Narnia, continuing in Aslan’s service, while Lucy, Edward and Eustace are offered passage back home, away from the struggles of Narnia.

Yes Aslan told these brave few once that they had returned for a reason, and yet after they fought, after they had won the battle; it was not their time to cross into His country. They were to return to their home, where they would know Him by another name, until He came for them, to bring them into His country, His land, into Heaven. Both the Pevensie children are saddened as they realize they will not be returning to Narnia for their time here has come to an end, but Aslan does turn to Eustace and tells him He may yet have need of him. Yes cancer can take everything from you but just as Carrie Underwood sings in her song “faith and love will keep us strong “and again “Broken hands are whole again”. This is our hope is it not? I see Narnia as a symbolic place, a place where our voyage through life takes us into Aslan’s country, to a place of peace and refuge. A kingdom where we find ourselves, our courage, our hope, faith and a place we find we can be brave in the face of death.

I left this movie, filled with peace, with my faith strong and with an unyielding hope inside my heart. I left knowing my family is a part of this voyage with me. They have found hope and strength in the journey and though we have been tested, and yes we have failed at times, we will walk the shores of Aslan’s country together one day. No matter the course we must chart or the storms we must sail through, we shall fight together, take this voyage to the ends of the world knowing this: an extraordinary destiny greater than we could have imagined is waiting for us just beyond the surface.

~ Christina


  1. What a powerful piece you've written, Christina! So many layers & connections.

    I've shared it in the usual places (Twitter, etc.) and also mentioned it on my YouTube channel, b/c you inspired me to find & favorite a really good video of the movie soundtrack -

    Now I must go watch the film. I'll keep coming back to see what you're up to here. Thank you!

    - Dawn Ramari

  2. Your entries are always so inspiring!

    Happy belated New Year!


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