
Good Afternoon!

Ok I will try not to make this long, but I wanted to give everyone an update on where I stand right now.

To begin, I will say that my heart broke today as I spoke with a woman who was there for us when we made our first step down this road of Breast Cancer. There she was beautiful and smiling and suddenly the realization hit me that she had breast cancer. I wanted to cry because I saw a beautiful, strong and determined woman before me and I hated the fact that TNBC had stalked her now too. But I will say that as I stood there talking with her my spirit was encouraged and my soul comforted as her strength radiated. I saw the warrior within her shine through and I stood in awe. She brought me HOPE, just as she had brought comfort to my family when TNBC first tried to over take us.

After hugging her goodbye, I set off into the orthopedic's office. My knee is messed up and so on Monday, July 7, 2008 I will have my 8th surgery in 29 months time. Oh well, if it will take care of the problem then so be it! After that I will go through Physical Therapy for both my knee and my back. I have a degenerative disk that is bulging and is possibly jagged. P.T. is the first and hopefully last option. I have been given 3 more prescriptions to add to my growing list, lol. But if they will work then what's a few more? My neurologist is also upping one of my meds in order to treat the nerve damage in my lower back as well.

I did see my oncologist on Wednesday. I really love her. She just puts you at ease. Part of my problem is that my oncologist during chemo did not document my charts very well. In fact my file says that they are "sketchy" as best, =. So my follow up care is a puzzle waiting to be put together basically. But I am still in remission and that counts for something! My immune system is broken to say the least but we are working on that. As for the lumps on my skull? They will be biopsied on July 25, 2008. A long wait I know, but the one thing I have learned in this journey is that nothing happens quickly. So wait I will!

I am waiting on two sets of blood work as we speak. I should have answers as to my calcium levels, anemia and liver functions by this Tuesday. As for my tumor markers and vitamin D, those should be back by next Friday. I see my new pulmonary doctor on Monday as well. My lungs have been slowly becoming a problem so my Rheumatoid Arthritis doctor is sending me to a specialist to try and get a handle on what is going on.

So that is where we are. Life is good. I am tired and my hands are functioning less and less, but I am still determined to type and to get about without drama. So just keep me in your continued prayers and I will be well. I love and appreciated each of you, though I know that I do not tell ya'll that enough! Love to all and know that I keep you close to my heart always.



  1. You are such a strong, wonderful woman and you are always in my thoughts and prayers.....


  2. Keep up your great spirit, Christina.  You have quite a road to travel, but you are doing so with a positive attitude--and that really is half the battle.  You do remain in my prayers.  (((hugs))), LaVern

  3. Christina how I wish I could offer you more than my thoughts, prayers, love & hugs. Know that I care and I walk beside you in HOPE.
    Love & Hugs

  4. I will never let you go far from my thoughts and prayers Christina.  I will walk there beside you each day in my prayers for a hopeful and positive outcome from your symptoms.
    Much love and prayers winging your way each day and night.
    Love Jeanie xxxx

  5. I have been reading your blog since I found a link on Kim's blog many many months ago. I want you to know your thought of and prayed for Christine!


  6. The light that shines out from you is blinding my friend! You have managed to stay strong against the wind and do so with pride. Your story and life are a testament to those who come after you, that they too can fight this and somehow find their own serenity. I'm proud of you and love the feeling of having your friendship in my life. (Hugs)Indigo


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