
Hello Friends!

I am doing much better than I was 12 days ago! I am finally feeling much more like a human being rather than a rag doll stitched back together. I am still hurting, but at least I have been able to wean myself off of my pain meds and deal with the pain that is left. I am sleeping a lot which is something I am not used to doing. I have never been one to stop and rest. But I think this time, after all the chemo and 7 surgeries my body is just taking over the task of resting for me, lol. My stitches come out hopeful on Tuesday. That will be wonderful and I will be jumping up and down (figuratively), lol.

Today, will mark another milestone for me as I see my oncologist. Once again bittersweet. I will hold my breath till the visit is over and then I will walk out and wait another 3 months. It's the process, the journey, the cost of cancer. It is well, worth hearing that I have no signs of a return. This has been a long process, but a journey I do not regret. I have been taken apart, put back together and well molded into a stronger, better person.

The truth is it's all about putting yourself back together again, and even though it is painful, we are blessed to live in day and age where they can reconstruct our breasts. A time where we don't have to hide our cancer, but live it loudly for all the world to see and hear. A day when we can voice of hopes for a cure. Remember that this month, October, is breast cancer awareness month. It's time to find a cure and let pink be just a color again!

My Love to ALL of you.



  1. Glad to hear you are doing much better!!!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend


  2. Sending  you love and happiness right back!  I'm so happy that you are now feeling better in yourself and that you are now almost completely back to a semblance of normality and ready to leave it all behind you.  
    My prayers are still including you and your Dad.  
    God Bless

    Jeanie  xx

  3. I echo those sentiments it is time to find a cure and let Pink be a color again. Donna from "This That and Hockey" did a tag recently stating something similiar. I think it was please find a cure before I grow up to have boobs. (Hugs) Indigo

  4. Christina I am so glad that you are beginning to feel better. You have been through so much, you need the rest you have been getting. I am hopeful for a cure, it has been a long time in coming.


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