Race for the Cure

Today, I Am A Survivor

Today I want to be free, to be able to wake up and know I am alive, free from Breast Cancer and her shadow. But for today, I have to accept what grace I have been given to fight this beast. Today I must be brave even if I don't really want to be. Today I must hold my head up, put my shoulders back, smile and put one foot in front of the other despite how I feel. You see, today is not about me, nor is it about my own struggle or the inner demons that taunt me daily. No, today is about my sisters and brothers, yes brothers, some 200,000 of them alone just this year who will be diagnosed with breast cancer.

Today is a time to reflect, to rejoice and to mourn. Today, I will walk with those who have survived this monster as I will walk among those whom have lost beloved sisters, daughters and wives to this beast. Yes, today I will walk for all of them, for my family, and yes even for myself!

Today I will join thousands to honor one cause. Today, in the morning hours I will walk hand and hand with those that have come to stand up together defiantly by my side and cross a finish line that embodies HOPE for a CURE. For Today, I am a Survivor!



  1. Well done Christina and well said too!

    Good luck on your walk.

    God Bless
    Jeanie xx

  2. Beautiful entry Christina...very touching =(
    Thank you for walking on behalf of so many...

    Today you are a survivor!!!!

    I LOVE the graphic....

    Big Hugs!

  3. YES, you are a survivor! Again I sit here in tears. The last couple of weeks have been very emotional for me as I prepared for Paint The Town Pink. I too, thought of all the men who face this devastating disease. I have blue ribbons and have wondered if this is how I should honor them also. It's quite amazing the beautiful response our men customers have given and telling me how good it looks. Yesterday, one of them told me he was a cancer survivor, he has been cancer free for 5 years, I rejoiced with him. My heart goes out to all families who have loved ones facing any type of cancer.
    Christina, I walk hand in hand with you in heart and spirit.

  4. Beautiful! Yes you are a survivor, a very spirited , compassionate, loving woman. Not a day goes by I'm not proud to call you friend. (Hugs) Indigo


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