Life Lesson #482 ~ The Road


I’ve been grappling with what’s around the corner lately. In fact, I’ve been thinking a lot about this subject. Pondering where I’ve been and where I’m going. What I could have done differently. What I can change. Some days I have a pretty good idea. Others I have no clue. But what I do know is this: I've lived a full, imperfect life. I’ve been bold, loved fiercely and unconditionally. I’ve definitely made hundreds of beautiful memories along with a good number of painful ones too.  


Yes, I’ve made mistakes. Lots of them. Horrible and excruciating ones. I’ve fallen flat on my face. Landed on my butt. Are there moments I’d like to do over? Of course, certainly there are. But I have no regrets. Everything in my life has happened for a reason. Every step has led me to where I am. Every slip-up and blunder has been a teacher.  


I have faults. Many of them. I’m lacking in more ways than one. I’ve been completely in the wrong and to blame many times. But I’m human. It’s a fact. I make mistakes.  But today, before my path takes any more sudden detours, I want to say I’m sorry for those moments. If I’ve failed, you. I’m sorry. If I’ve offended you, I’m sorry. If I’ve hurt you in any way, please forgive me.  


The reality is I have no control over tomorrow, nor any power over where my health is ultimately taking me. None of us do. The road in front of me isn’t paved. From here it looks rather bumpy. I can’t command or sway my body to heal itself. I’m not in the driver's seat at this point. I’m a passenger waiting to reach my destination. And when I do, I want to know I’ve done all I can to live a life that matters. 


I can’t take back time or undo the misunderstandings in those past moments. None of us can rebuild a bridge on our own. We can’t rewrite bad chapters or undo hurts. But you know what we can do? We can change the ending. This is the only power any of us have when it comes to tomorrow. The lesson at the very core of our time here together is this; live fully, love without expectations, learn from your mistakes and accept your failures. Remember sometimes you’ve got to meet in the middle and let the unchangeable go. Learn to forgive, even if it takes time. Recognize you can’t change the past but be sure to leave today open for conversation. That’s all life really asks of us in the end. 


Sometimes you just feel it. Deep down. Life is changing. You may not like it. But it’s here. Change is happening. All you can do is roll with it. That’s where I am right now. Life is changing. Quickly at that. I don’t know where you are. Or how you feel. Wherever the road has taken us, it's time to take a big breath and exhale. One way or another, we’ve got this. 


Know this. You’re loved. Every day I love you. There's no perfect ending here. Life doesn’t work like that. Believe me, I’ve learned this the hard way. Life is about change. None of us know what’s going to happen next. What I do know is our significance is not measured by what we own, build or who we leave behind in the process. The road is about who we share it with. It's not about the beginning of the journey or the middle. A significant life and the road we travel is about the ending. So, whether we see each other again, or not, you will always be part of my most beautiful moments. In the end all that I hope for you is to live a life that matters and a life of love. 


~Merida Grace 






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