Life Lesson #233 ~ Pain and Panic Reporting for Duty

“We don’t grow when things are easy. We grow when we face challenges. “ ~  Unknown

Life isn’t exactly a Disney movie is it? Doesn’t matter how hard we wish upon a star, the happily ever after fairy-tale stories of our imaginations don’t quite exist do they? Why? First of all life is hard, any way you look at it. Secondly, not everyone can marry a real-life prince like Meghan Markle or save a princess from a villainous Queen. I know it’s a bummer, right? Come on now though, there’s only so many crowns and monarchs to go around. I‘d say Disney has cornered the market anyway.

Out in the real world, life is raw and difficult. Let’s be real y’all. If any two unwanted and uninvited fairy-tale villains were going to show up it’d be Pain and Panic, coming off all innocent and reporting for duty only to cause chaos, right? And they never show up alone either. On any given day these two have gotta host of unpopular and unfortunate mood killers in tow behind them. For now, though, I think these two are enough for us to juggle.

I don’t know about you, but these particular stooges aren’t exactly my favorite trial by error instructors. Pain, well his name alone explains my un-enthusiasm. As for Panic, let's just say he’s no better. Pain has been on my heels for years. Panic I can keep at bay more often but let me just tell y'all, despite neither one being a welcome guest, they still show up. I’ve simply learned when life is doing me wrong, bringing me to my knees in pain or continuously bombarding my mind, to breathe. When I’m overwhelmed, I try and remember Amy Poehler’s words. “Sometimes painful things can teach us lessons that we didn’t think we needed to know.”   

So, who are Pain and Panic really? And why am I referring to either of them as living, breathing personalities? If you’re a Disney fanatic like me, you know these two bumbling imps as the culprits who copyrighted merchandise with the word “if” on it. And if not, then all I can say is you’re missing out. In the movies or in real life, these two unwelcome minions of the Underworld are about as ugly as homemade sin. In the Disney animated film, Hercules, Pain and Panic are two shape-shifting antagonists, imps as a matter of fact, who never fail to provide comic-relief. In real life however, Pain and Panic, aren’t so comical. In the real world these two are pawns of our enemy, always up to no good. Pain, he enjoys suffering, although not his own. He’s cunning, but rarely thinks things through. Panic on the other hand, is always spooked and accident prone and to his own dismay his plans never quite seem to pan out.

Truth is most of us have met Pain and Panic in our everyday lives, right? One has always got us tied up in knots and the other in discomfort. Either way, they’re obnoxious lackies. Pain and Panic are Hades or the Devil as we like to call him, honest to goodness henchmen. And like it or not, they’re always finding open windows, squeezing in and shaking things up. This is where we gotta remember Joy is never gone, even if she’s lost on us in the moment. Pain and Panic want us to lose sight of this fact. We survive the fire not because we run from it. Nope, I’ve survived breast cancer and everything else Satan has thrown at me as Joshua Graham says,” because the fire inside me burns brighter than the fire around me.” Yes, we’re surrounded by Hades fire on all sides...just as Meg was in Hercules, but we can do two things, wear our tragedies as shackles or as armor. I choose the latter.

Our stories aren't the same. My path and yours are completely separate and divergent from each other. However, our stories still have one common thread….” the strongest hearts have the most scares.” (Jeff Hood) The bottom line in my life is this. I've opened up my hands and given God control despite what’s fallen through them. In spite of everything I’ve faced, from a lifetime of illness, sporadic financial difficulties and every emotional up and down, I’ve learned my faith is bigger. Every time clodhopping Pain and Panic sit down at the table Deuteronomy 31:8 reminds me, “The Lord is the one who is going ahead of you. He will be with you. He won’t abandon you or leave you. So, don’t be afraid or terrified. “  

You're the child of the one true King. You’ve inherited the crown. Grace surrounds you. Pain and Panic can only slow you down, they can’t erase your name from your Father’s heart. Remember these two hairbrained knuckleheads are merely minions. The only power they have over us is the power we feed ‘em. Don’t get me wrong, pain and panic are real, they bombard us from every side, every chance they get. All I’m asking you to keep in mind is nothing can ever separate you from the love of God. Doesn’t matter how many scars or bruises you have, your His. Hades may be the great deceiver, but God is our mighty Healer. In spite of every hardship, Jesus Christ has never left me alone. His grace always lights the way and His love never fails to guide me home. My life isn’t a fairy tale, despite my love of them. I may be hurt, bruised or wounded by Pain and Panic, but neither can or will ever steal my Joy. Remember this on the bad days.  

Just remember when the fire surrounds your feet, and Pain and Panic are working overtime, God is your defender. Hold on to that. Always. And when things get tough, remind yourself of this. “If you can trust a puzzle company to make sure every piece is in the box to complete the puzzle, than you can trust God every piece of your life is there for a reason.” (Unknown) Pain and Panic included. Whatever your takeaway may be today, I pray you see the real message I've written here in Life Lesson #233 ~ Pain and Panic Reporting for Duty, is simply one of hope.

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” ~ Christian D. Larson

~Merida Grace


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