My Christmas Card To You...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my dear and cherished friends. you are all a part of my life and my journey. Today, I thank my God for your presence in my life...


P.S. Be sure to turn down the music player at the bottom of the page and turn on the the music with the slide show. Also be sure if you click to the site to watch it in original view.


  1. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your lovely family too Christina.
    The video was fantastic! I have never heard them before. The singing was diction perfect and one of my favourite Christmas songs.
    God bless you all and may He keep you all well.
    Much love
    Jeanie xxx

  2. the Christmas slide show was great! loved it. ty for your Christmas wishes.
    may God bless you & your family, not only this Christmas day, but all the Christmases to come!!!
    huggies & love...

  3. What a wonderful way to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! My wishes are the same for you too. Happy your hear. Take care and enjoy this holiday season,

  4. happy christmas to you all. take care,best wishes mort x

  5. That was beautiful! Merry Christmas to you & your family!

  6. your family is beautifull and so are you. I have seen this blog's name on many other blog's and been meaning to "check it out". It was worth the trip.
    My daughter runs in the race for a cure every year.her best friend's brother died of breast cancer. he was a young husband and father and was diagnosed 3 months before it claimed his life.It was quite a tragedy for his family and they hardly had time to deal with it before he was gone. I admire anyone who has survived this disease and attempts to educated the uninitiated. God Bless you . jun

  7. That was lovely, Christina. Thank you for sharing it.

    Happy holidays to you...

  8. Merry Christmas to you and yours.. May God bless you and your family..

  9. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you & your family! may the holidays bring you love & joy to last throughout the new year too.~kbear


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