Thanking J Land

Good Morning All!
I needed to thank each of you for your constant support, especially over the last week. The last few entries have really been heart wrenching for me to write, as the issues behind then have been to manage through. I had to purge myself before I ended up bitter over the saddness that was sweepig over my heart. I am trying with my best foot forward to deal and move on. It is happening, it is just hard on the spirit and soul.
I know I have not made my rounds through J Land the last 10 days either and I am sorry for that too. I miss reading and being apart of your lives. It amazes me how quickly each of you have become part of my life in such a wonderful and encouraging way. I am so blessed to be part if this family here in J Land.
Love to all,


  1. Don't worry about visiting blogs Christina.  I know everone will understand.   You won't see me around for a couple of weeks as I will be on holiday in Scotland.  Stay well and give the boys a hug from me.  They are just adorable!   Too handsome for words((((hugs))))   Jeanie.  

  2. Hi Christina,
    You just take it easy...breathe deep breaths...concentrate on getting well...and calming your spirit...We are here for you.
    love ya,

  3. Hi Christina, I hope when I leave you a comment that it does give you encouragement, it is not my intention to drag your spirits down. There are many people whom have never had to deal with the effects of cancer. They have no idea what it does to the person diagnosed or the family and friends who love them. With each entry you write, you are opening their eyes to a life unknown to them. Thank you for being open and honest as you share this part of your life with us. I know this journal is for you to come to terms with your thoughts, in doing so I believe you are helping many who's lives will one day be touched by cancer. My daughter (Terri) has tried to talk me into starting a journal, I honestly don't see myself doing so. She introduced me to journals and I love to read about others lives. Oh the tears I have shed for others and the obstacles you all face each day.

  4. I'm so honored to be your friend. Only read and comment when you feel like it. Take good care of yourself. Paula

  5. And we are blessed to have you in Jland =)

  6. Your just as much a part of my life now as I am yours. I hurt for you when your saddened and cheer you on when you take a stand against what Cancer has wrought in your life. Your my inspiration, friend, sister and most of all more than another face on the other side of the computer! (Hugs) Indigo


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