
Showing posts from March, 2011

Jumping Off An Emotional Cliff!

I don’t know how your week has gone so far but mine, yes I realize today is just Sunday,no Monday,  has started off rather emotionally charged and a bit off kilter. I for one did not go looking for this mess I seem to have found myself in, yet “it” found me all the same. To be completely honest I knew, deep down, I had my suspicions, but I wanted to dismiss my concerns as silly and frivolous.  I ignored what I saw; turned an ear to such silly chatter when “it” made way into my ears from time to time, and yes I kept my mouth shut mostly because I could explain it away. Now the truth is front and center and I have a choice to make: first take a long, deep breath, second make issue of such silly nonsense or let it all go. So go ahead, imagine me sitting here at 2 AM in the morning, PJ’s on, yawning, hair this way and that, maybe even some let over dried tears on my face with my scale of justice on the table, balancing out what to do next!  The reality is sometimes we fi...

Cancer's Consorts

Putting it mildly, life in the BC zone can be very hectic and overwhelming. Is there a perfect route in which you can navigate yourself through the Big C? Not really, honestly there is no correct or incorrect path to really answer this question except to say cancer is a giant zit. You know those large, red puss filled things, sitting on top of your nose, which like to block your view? Sometimes they can just go away on their own, and other times they need a little help being uprooted before you can begin to clean the surface of their foul infection. Cancer is just like a zit, she’s a monster sucking the life right out of you and if left untreated both physically and emotionally she can drain every ounce of life, laughter and sanity from of you. What is it about cancer and her bullies which make them so ready to destroy you, to take everything away from you once by ounce?Why is it every part of what once was real, certain, and concrete in your life  must be chipped away? Serious...